Steam Punk Cosplay by WhimsyAly Cosplay

I wanted to test out a few shots and recruited an old friend, WhimsyAly! Hilariously though, in the location we shot at, it just so happened to be the only place in Washington state that was raining. I kid you not! It was actually a little upsetting as I had wanted to test a few […]

Dragonfest 2018

Took me long enough to get these out. I actually had forgotten I still needed to process these a while back and only now have finally gotten to them. Sorry about that!

Steven Universe’s Pink Lars Cosplay Photoshoot by August

This was a challenging photoshoot in the sense that I did not know the character Pink Lars whatsoever. A few days prior to the shoot, I spent a bit of time researching the character so that I could get a better understanding of the character and how to frame the pictures. The photoshoot took place during […]

Dragon Fest 2017

Last Sunday McDonalds held an event in Seattle’s International District called Dragon Fest. This was the weekend right after a friend and I would come back from Texas. I had contemplated on whether or not I wanted to go for a while. It was when I heard several of my friends were going to attend […]

Persona 5 Sakura Futaba Cosplay Photoshoot by Carmina

For this photoshoot, my long time friend Carmina cosplayed as a character from Persona 5, Sakura Futaba! We took a few shots in the Smith Tower and around the underground bus tunnel stations located in several different parts of Seattle. It was a great photoshoot and we later found out just how nice it was to […]

Summer Mahou to Market: 2017

So just last weekend, there was an event called “Summer Mahouto Market”. I had no idea what it was until they broke down “mahou” and “to”. Something they should have separated as it appeared to be one singular word. Japanese grammar aside, the word “mahou” means magic whereas the word “to” is a Japanese grammar […]