The Beginning of a New Era

Hello! This is the very first post of the website~

Prior to this, I used to post all of my photography on my blog. As a result, it became extremely convoluted and it was getting difficult to tell what was a normal blog post versus a photography post. Plus, when directing cosplayers I’ve taken pictures of to my website, it would cause confusion when trying to locate the relevant post.

Now that I’ve become quite confident in my abilities as a photographer, I am happy to introduce to you all my new website (and perhaps business in the future):

Reprise Photography!

Now why reprise, you may ask. The word is a musical term which means to “repeat a previous part of a composition generally after other music has been played”. I’ve always liked to look at photography as a way to capture memories so that they may live eternally. Far too often our memories become distorted as time progresses. When you look at a picture, however, it’s almost looking through a window back into the past. Everything that you’ve seen, thought, and perhaps even felt can be relived from that one picture. That’s why I feel “reprise” fits my ideology of photography: my photography will serve as a way to look back and remind us of what was so we can see where we are now.

Anyway, I hope my photography will continue to entertain you, move you, and perhaps even inspire you! Thank you very much everyone~

Posted in Announcement.


  1. Pingback: Separation of Blog and Photography | The Little Busterz

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